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Figures vary depending on sources, since records were not accurate.


  • In the First World War Germany lost an estimated total of 27,640 aircraft and 5,950 pilots. Both in training and on the frontlines.
  • In the Second World War Germany lost 118,875 aircraft and an unknown number of pilots. Germany lost 45% of its entire airforce on D-Day.
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Q: How many aircraft did the Germans lose?
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Did the Germans lose WW2?

Yes they did.

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Over 6,000 aircraft destroyed. Over 2,000 fixed wing (jets & propeller driven); 4,000 helicopters.

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See the link below for the losses of aircraft by the Germans and Italians. List was too long to put right here.

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No Italian aircraft or aircrews were used by the axis in the battle of Britain it was entirely a Luftwaffe affair. The Germans were always contemptuous of their Italian allies with their outdated aircraft and poorly trained personnel.

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sos=save our stuff

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because he lost..

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The Battle of Stalingrad.

In world war 2 why did the Germans lose?

Please use capital letter for names such as 'Germans'. Basically they lost because the Allies had greater numbers, and had a powerhous eof supply, namely the USA. They were also demoralised because many Germans realised that the Nazi system was corrupt.