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Q: How many US colleges were founded prior to the American Revolution?
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Frederick douglass in the revolution?

If you are referring to the American Revolution, no, he was not. He was a famous abolitionist in the years prior to the Civil War.

What type of government structures did American colonies have prior to the Revolution?

They were subjects of the British Monarchy.

What did Benjamin Franklin do that was significant prior to the American Revolution?

He signed and influenced the Declaration of Independence.

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Largest slave uprising in the British colonies prior to the American Revolution.

When was Johnny Tremain born?

Johnny Tremain is a fictional character born prior to the American Revolution. The novel, set in Boston, prior to and during the Revolution focuses on apprenticeship, courtship, sacrifice, human rights, and the growing tension between Whigs and Tories.

What contributed to Frances economic problems prior to the revolution?

Various factors have contributed in France's economic problems prior to the 1789's Revolution, some of the major ones being:Poor agricultural harvestsGrowing costs of the American Revolution (mainly funded by France)Ageing economic system based on social estates

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Prior to the 1905 revolution there was an absolute monarchy. Afterwards, a parliamentary body was created... and was disbanded not much later.

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Prior to the Industrial Revolution, clothing was made by hand.

What wars was Richard Henry lee in?

He was famously a member of the first Continental Congress during the American Revolution. I don't believe he fought in any prior wars.

Terrorism in America?

The Sons of Liberty are said, by some, to be an early terrorist organization. This group formed the Boston Tea Party and was active prior to the American Revolution.

Did the french retain a portion of their norh American holdings?

No, they got defeated by the British. As a matter of fact, the constitution was written with the French in mind. Even though the American Revolution came prior to the French Revolution, they counted on France to support the independence, as a revenge for having them kicked out of North America.