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Each state is entitled to one of the 435 representatives in the US House of Representatives, regardless of the state's population. The other 385 representatives are apportioned according to each's state's population as a percentage of the total US population, determined by the most recent census. This is known as "proportional representation."

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Q: How many US Representatives is each state entitled to in the House of Representatives?
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How many members of the House of Representatives must each state have according to the Constitution?

Each state must have at least 1 Representative. The total number of Representatives is 435. Other than the 50 Representatives allocated by the Constitution, Representatives are allocated based on the population of the state.

How does the House decide an election?

each state is awarded one vote, regardless of how many representatives the state has.

How are seats in the house of representatives counted?

Depending on the population of each state. They are divided into congressional district which each contain around 650000 people. There is one representative for each congressional district. No matter how small the population is though, there must be at least one representative for each state. Currently in 2009 there are 345 representatives in the house of representatives and 100 senators in the senate.

If a state has six members in the House of Representatives how many electors would it have in the electoral college?

8. The amount of members from each state in the United States Electoral College is equal to the number of representatives sent by the state to Congress. If a state has six members in the House of Representatives, it also is represented by two Senators. This brings the total to 8.

What is the difference between the House and the Senate?

1)The House members are highly specialized. 2)Operation of the Senate is less centralized and less formal. 3)The House has a Rules Committee.There are many difference between the House of Representatives and the Senate, but there is one primary difference, which is that Representatives are elected according to population. A Representative is elected in an electoral district, not in an entire state, and therefore the more populous states get more Representatives according to their population. Sentarors represent a whole state, and there are exactly two Senators per state.

Related questions

What is the sole factor in determining the number of representatives each state is entitled to have in the U.S. house of representatives?


What is thr sole factor in determining the number of representatives each state is entitlied to have in theUS house of representitives?

In respect to American government, the sole factor in determining the number of representatives that each state is entitled to have in the House of Representatives is the population of each state in question. While each state is entitled to at least one representative in the House, additional representatives are allotted based on the census-counts of state-populations, with the total number of representatives fixed at 435 in total.

What best describes apportionment?

determining the number of seats each state is entitled to in the U.S. House of Representatives

How do states divide the number of constituents in the congressional districts?

The US census determines how many representatives are allowed for each state in the House of Representatives. The current number, established in 1911, is 435 total members for the US House. Each state is entitled to at least one.

Which house has a number of members from each state based on that states population?

The Senate. Each state is entitled to twoSenators.The number of Congressman in the House of Representatives, however, is determined by state population as a percentage of total US population. The House seats are reapportioned, if necessary, following the decennial (10-year) US Census.

Is the number of representatives in the house of representatives based on how wealthy a state is?

The number of representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives from each state is based on the population in each state. The number of representative in the U.S. House of Representatives is fixed at 435. Every 10 years the U.S. Census Bureau takes a census of the population in each state. The 435 representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives is then reapportioned among the 50 states based on the population in each state.

Number of representatives that each state is entitled to is based on this?

It is based on population.

Does each state have 4 representatives in the house of representatives?


How many representatives are there in the house of representatives for each state?


How is the number of representatives in the house of representatives for each state?


What is the representation in the House of Representatives?

The number of Representatives from each state is based on the population of that state.

How many repersentatives would each state have in the senate?

It is two for every state, no matter what. However, in the House of Representatives, it varies based on population.