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The "so-called Middle East" (it's actually South West Asia) has traditionally had hundreds of thousands of POWs ever since the Israel/Arab wars of the 1960s. The "Middle East" wars were famous for "quick wars" (didn't last long) and "mass surrenderings" (no fighting to the death). Recommend you read the website concerning the Iran-Iraq War (Gulf War) which was fought between Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini and Iraq's Saddam Hussein that occurred from 1980-1988.

In the 1990-1991 Gulf War, Iraqi Captured around 60 coalition POWs, all of which were released shortly after the ceasefire

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Q: How many US POWs were there in the Gulf War?
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The US Navy patrolled the Persian Gulf during the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq War.

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There was no treaty, the US simply wanted their POWs returned and then redeployed back to the US (after they were returned).