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Over 3,000 Firebee UAV's conducted reconnaissance missions over North Vietnam during the war. Approximately 600 of them were shot down, many by NVAF MiG jet fighters; who used them for aerial target practice. In at least one or two cases, the drones were credited with MiG kills, as the enemy MiGs chased them until they ran out of fuel and crashed.

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12y ago

There is an article on the website titled "Headless Fighters(?)" about USAF Firebee drones being flown over North Vietnam. Firebee UAVs (Un-manned Aerial Vehicles) were quite common during the cold war days, hanging suspended from ceilings in various military installalions. Aerial museums will no doubt still have some hanging about, as they are small and easy to display. However, actual Firebee UAVs left over from the war? Most were shot up on the live fire ranges during training and testing in the 1970's.

Close to 5,000 UAV (Firebee) missions were flown over enemy territory during the Vietnam War. About 500 were shot down, some by North Vietnamese MiGs using them for aerial target practice. At least one UAV received (un-official?) credit for downing an enemy MiG, when the pursuing MiG ran out of fuel and crashed.

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14y ago

None - UAV's did not exist yet.

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