

Best Answer

Exactly one. General Roy S. Geiger succeeded Army General Simon Bolivar Buckner during the battle of Okinawa as the Commander of the U. S. Tenth Army, The rest of the story is even more amazing. Geiger was a Marine Aviator, Marine Wing Commander, commander of the Cactus Air Force at Guadacanal, a winner of the Navy Cross in both World Wars and living proof that every Marine is a Rifleman.

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Q: How many Marine Corps Generals have ever commanded a US Army?
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What generals and armies were under Johnston's command defending Atlanta?

At the beginning of Atlanta Campaign Joseph Johnston commanded the Confederate Army of Tennessee. This Army had been organised on three Corps of infantry and one Corps of cavalry: I Corps under General Hardee, on four division each of them commanded by Gen. Cheatham, Cleburne, W.H.T. Walker and Bate. II Corps under Gen. Hood, on three division each of them commanded by Gen. Hindman, Stevenson and Stewart. III Corps, commanded by Gen: Leonidas Polk on three division, each of them commanded by gen. Loring, French and Cantey. Cavalry corps commanded by Gen. Wheeler, on four division. The total force of Johnston Army was of about 85,000 men, and 187 cannons.

Which is older the army or the marine corps?

The Army's birthday is 14 June 1775. The Marine Corps' birthday is 10 November 1775. The Army is older, by 4 months, 9 days.

Was the Marine Corps a part of US Army?

The United States Marine Corps and has never been a part of the U.S. Army. It is a separate service that falls under the Dept. of the Navy.

How many four star generals commanded the US Army in World War 2?


What is the praygrade of the first sergeant in the US army?

First Sergeant in both the Army and Marine Corps is E-8.

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Which will be best Army National Guard Army Infantry Army MP Marine Corps MP Marine Corps infantry?

Of the list that you have provide, the marine corps infantry is the best.

What generals and armies were under Johnston's command defending Atlanta?

At the beginning of Atlanta Campaign Joseph Johnston commanded the Confederate Army of Tennessee. This Army had been organised on three Corps of infantry and one Corps of cavalry: I Corps under General Hardee, on four division each of them commanded by Gen. Cheatham, Cleburne, W.H.T. Walker and Bate. II Corps under Gen. Hood, on three division each of them commanded by Gen. Hindman, Stevenson and Stewart. III Corps, commanded by Gen: Leonidas Polk on three division, each of them commanded by gen. Loring, French and Cantey. Cavalry corps commanded by Gen. Wheeler, on four division. The total force of Johnston Army was of about 85,000 men, and 187 cannons.

Who commanded the Continential Army?

George Washington and some other generals.

Which general commanded the confederate army?

Generals Lee and "Stonewall" Jackson

Did Marines fight in World War 1?

The 5th and 6th Marine Regiments and the 6th Machine Gun Battalion became the 4th Marine Brigade with a troop strength of 9,444 men. They were combined with the 2nd Engineer Regiment (US Army) and 3rd Brigade, US Army to form the 2nd Division (Army), American Expeditionary Force. The Second Division was under the command of two different Marine Corps Generals at different times during WWI, Brigadier General Charles A. Doyen and Major General John A. Lejeune.

Who was the generals in charge of each army for the Battle of Cold Harbor?

Grant commanded the Union. Lee commanded the Confederacy.

Which is older the army or the marine corps?

The Army's birthday is 14 June 1775. The Marine Corps' birthday is 10 November 1775. The Army is older, by 4 months, 9 days.

Who ranks higher captain or comandor?

Commander is a rank exclusive to the Navy. It is the equivalent of an Army/Air Force/Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel (O5). A Navy Captain is equivalent to an Army/Air Force/Marine Corps Colonel (O6), whereas a Captain in the Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps is O3. A Navy Captain outranks a Commander, but a Commander outranks an Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps Captain.

In the US military is the airborne considered part of the army or the marine corps?


Was the Marine Corps a part of US Army?

The United States Marine Corps and has never been a part of the U.S. Army. It is a separate service that falls under the Dept. of the Navy.

Was there a HemisFair Platoon from the Marine Corps in 1968?

Yes, but it was from the U.S Army and not the Marine Corp.

What do you need to do to transfer from the Marine Corps to the Army?

Complete your contract and see an Army recruiter.