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Q: How many Jews were killed in austria?
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How many Jewish people were killed from Austria?

About 50,000 Jews.

How many Jews died in austeria during world war 2?

About 65,000 Jews were killed in Austria during the Holocaust.

WHO WAS HITtler an what did he do?

Hittler was born in Austria. he was the dictator of Germany. he killed many many people. Jews, gays, gypsy and others.

How many people in Austria died in the holocaust?

The usual estimate of the number of Austrian Jews killed in the Holocaust is about 65,000. (Obviously, most of them were murdered outside Austria).

What war involved Germany France austria and Spain?

second world war, it was the holocaust and the Americans won but many Jews were killed

How many Jews were killed in Malytrostenets extermination camp?

65,000 Jews were killed.

How many Jews are alleged to have been killed by the Nazis in the Holocaust?

6,000,000 Jews were killed during the holocaust.

How many Jews were murdered in Italy?

6 millions jews were killed

How many Jewish people died during World War 2 in Austria?

There are no separate numbers for Austria; as Austria & Germany were one country during the time period for the Holocaust. The eve-of-war population of Jews in Germany and Austria is estimated to have been about 240,000 of whom about 210,000 were killed. Most of the remainder survived by escaping to other countries.____Despite the difficulties mentioned above attempts have been made to separate the figures for Germany and Austria. The number of Austrian Jews killed in the Holocaust is widely given as 65,000. There is a Names Project under way - that is, an attempt to find the names of the Austrian Jewish victims, and this is the current figure they give.Approximately 50,000 Austrian Jews died in the Holocaust.

What killed Jews in the Holocaust?

Hitler killed Jews, Nazis killed them, there were torture devices, and concentration camps. Many more things too.

How many Nazis were killed by Jews?

the Nazis killed the Jews ------------------------------- i know of twenty, but there are more, partisans did not keep such records.

How many Jews killed in halocaust?

i don't know exacly but i heard there were millions of Jews killed two escaped