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Q: How many Jews really died during second world war?
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Why did the production of goods decreases at Manchester during second world war?

they gave mcdonalds to jews

Was the nation of Israel Jews?

Yes, during the centuries of the Judges and Kings. During Second Temple times there were Jews and non-Jews in Israel (Judea).

What is a consentrated?

a concentration camp is a place where Jews went to during world war 2. you can see them now but they are really shocking.

Who was in the concentration camp?

a concentration camp is a place where Jews went to during world war 2. you can see them now but they are really shocking.

During the second World War what European countries required Jews to wear yellow stars?

Germany and all the countries that Germany had occupied.

Was the Holocaust war World War 2?

Yes, Hitler and the Nazis attempted to wipe all Jews out. He killed 12 million people including 6 million Jews in the holocaust.

How many Jews died in austeria during world war 2?

About 65,000 Jews were killed in Austria during the Holocaust.

Which countries did Jews migrate to during and after World War 2?

The Jews migrated to Palestine after World War 2.

What was Hitlers significance in World War 2?

To kill all Jews because he was racist and the darkside of the force clouded his mind

Where did the Jews have to leave during world war 2?


How was it in Kracow for Jews during World War 2?


How did Jews get to shanghai during World War 2?

By ship