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Yes, that was their function.

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About 850,000 from 1939-1945.

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They were ordered to do so.

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Q: How many Jews did the Einsatzgruppen kill?
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In einsatzgruppen why where the Jews victimised?

The Einsatzgruppen were set up in order to kill Jews.

What German armies invaded with special units sent to kill all the Jews?

The special units to kill the Jews were the Einsatzgruppen (often referred to in English as 'mobile killing units').

Why was einsatzgruppen set up?

The main function of the Einsatzgruppen was to kill Jews behind German lines in the Soviet Union. They also killed Soviet guerrilla fighers and people who supported them, but in this second task they were supported by units of the regular army.

German armies invaded where with special units sent to kill all the Jews?

The Soviet Union

Ss death squad assigned to kill Jews?

There were mobile killing units (SD-Einsatzgruppen) which went into action behind German lines in the Soviet Union.

What was the nationality of the Einsatzgruppen?

They were German but recruited some local volunteers as additional killers. For example, 33,000 Lithuanians joined them to kill Jews and Communists in Lithuania and many of these were later used to carry out killings far beyond the borders of Lithuania.

How many Jews were killed by shooting?

About 1 million were shot by the Einsatzgruppen, but this was discontinued because it was obviously inefficient and was having a negative effect on the morale of the soldiers.

Who in many ghettos did Hitler kill?

The Jews.

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What does the German word Einsatzgruppen mean in English?

Einsatzgruppen translates to "task forces" or "deployment groups" in English. These were special paramilitary units in Nazi Germany responsible for carrying out mass killings of Jews, Gypsies, and other targets during World War II.

Why did he kill those jews?

Why did who kill which Jews .

Which countries did the Germans invade with special units to kill all Jews?

Mobile killing units (Einsatzgruppen) were used extensively in what was then the Soviet Union (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, etc.). The German armies were followed by these mobile killing units. They first went into action on 25 June 1941 when they carried out large-scale massacres in Kaunas, Lithuania.____The Soviet Union, which at that time included:RussiaUkraineBelarusLatviaLithuania