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"By the end of the war [...]10,000 who were imprisoned, half had perished in the concentration camps" -- Making History (Steven Fry)

What is the total number of Witnesses across Europe that died under the Nazi regime?

An estimated 2,500 to 5,000 Witnesses died in the camps or prisons."

-- Originally published by United States Holocaust Memorial Museum as a pamphlet titled "JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES

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14y ago
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14y ago

Only very rough estimates exist and I can find no number for the TOTAL number of witnesses the died. In Nazi Germany 270 witnesses were executed and 10,000 witnesses in Germany were imprisoned during the war period.

see related links below.

There were about 30,000 Jehovah's Witnesses in the region at the time that were persecuted by Hitler and the Nazi Party. How many of those died as a result of the Holocaust is unclear, but here is a website that you may already be aware of that is for the US Holocaust Museum:

You may be able to contact the Holocaust Museum for more information.

It would be impossible to put an exact figure on it but estimates are that about 10, 000 were sent to prison camps and 1,500 to 2000 died.

Around 10,000 were imprisoned, but due to their desire to ensure that they survived together they were well known for looking after each other. So their Death Rate was about 2,500 - 5,000

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16y ago

The exact number cannot be known, in Germany alone, 10,000 witnesses were imprisioned of which approximately 2,500 died. It has been impossible to find an overall figure for all the Nazi territories but one could reasonably assume several thousand.

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8y ago

Thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses were taken in to concentration camps and many were killed. The exact number is not known.

Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany refused to heil Adolf Hitler as their Führer, Hitler vowed to exterminate them. His efficient death machine seemed more than equal to the task. The Nazis did succeed in rounding up thousands of Witnesses and sending them off to concentration camps. They even managed to kill some Witnesses. But the Nazis failed to break the Witnesses' resolve to worship God alone, and they failed to eliminate God's servants as a group. The work of these Christians was from God, not man, and the work of God cannot be overthrown. Sixty years later, faithful survivors of Hitler's concentration camps are still serving Jehovah 'with their whole heart and soul and mind,' whereas Hitler and his Nazi party live only in infamy

Jehovah's Witnesses also were among the first and perhaps the first to publish information on what was actually happening inside concentration camps, at a time when many had no idea about the mass extermination in the camps witnesses published the facts. This is according to The PBS documentary "Knocking"

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Q: How many Jehovah's Witnesses died during Holocaust?
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Who were the non jews that died in the Holocaust?

Many, many, non-Jews were persecuted during the Holocaust. Some of Hitler's other main targets were Jehovah's Witnesses, Gypsies, the disabled, and homosexuals. Millions of Soviets and Poles died during the Holocaust as well.

How many political prisoners died during the Holocaust?

Around 200,000 political prisoners were systematically murdered during the Holocaust.

How many people died in Romania during the holocaust?


What is significant about Jehovah's Witnesses during the Holocaust?

Some in the world deny that the holocaust even happened. Jehovah's Witnesses recognize that the holocaust happened, in fact, many of Jehovah's Witnesses were murdered at the hands of the Nazis in concentration camps. There is an entire section of the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC dedicated to Jehovah's Witnesses. The website address for that is : Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Nazi Holocaust and all the other genocides that have occurred are all prt of the composite sign that Jesus gave in Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21, and Mark chapter 13, that indicate that we are living in the "last days" of this present system of things. Jehovah's Witnesses have been able to face, even death, because of the hope that we have that soon this present rulership will be done away with, and God's Kingdom with Jesus Christ as king will rule and even those who have died will be ressurrected to paradise on earth. See the article "Jehovah's Witnesses, Courageous in the Face of Nazi Peril": == As one of Jehovah's Witnesses and can say that the Holocaust definitely happened and it was an extreme test of fait to be taken away from their homes and put in concentration camps but many were able to endure and survive. Those who died will have the chance to be resurrected and live forever in a paradise earth because they died faithful to Jehovah. Another test of faith was when they were tempted to deny Jehovah and offered relief by doing so.

How many Jews died in Berlin during the Holocaust?

65000 60%

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How were the lives of Jehovahs Witnesses influenced during the war?

If you're talking about Germany... Jehovahs Witnesses refused the nazi-salute and the military service (according to their religious belief). Therefore they were sent to concentration camps (where some of them died).

Who were the non jews that died in the Holocaust?

Many, many, non-Jews were persecuted during the Holocaust. Some of Hitler's other main targets were Jehovah's Witnesses, Gypsies, the disabled, and homosexuals. Millions of Soviets and Poles died during the Holocaust as well.

What is the total number of Jehovah Witnesses that died in the Holocaust?

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How many blacks were there during the Holocaust?

It is estimated that 25,000 to 50,000 African Germans died during the holocaust.

How many Japanese died in the Holocaust?

None. The Japanese were not targeted during the Holocaust.

Who suffered and died during the holocaust?

The jews. Answer Jews, Homosexuals, Black people, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mentally ill, Freemasons, Disabled peoople, Deaf people, Romani, Ethnic Poles Mg42 killer

How many political prisoners died during the Holocaust?

Around 200,000 political prisoners were systematically murdered during the Holocaust.

Who was in war during the holocaust?

millions of peopled died

How many clowns died during the Holocaust?

I don't really think that question can be answered, because nobody counted how many of a certain profession died in the holocaust, that's like saying "How many Doctors died during the holocaust?", there isn't really an answer to the question but it could of been many due to the fact that many adults died during the holocaust and some of them could of been clowns...

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No, she was born on June 12, 1929. Anne Frank died in 1945, during the Holocaust.

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11 million people were killed. Think about that.