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Q: How many Iraqis died or were injured specifically during Operation Shock and Awe?
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How many soldiers were injured during Operation Barbarossa?

3,542,837 Soldiers were wounded during Operation Barbarossa.

Why during the Gulf War the Iraqis offered to withdraw from Kuwait?

"The Iraqis offered to withdraw from Kuwait during the gulf war"? Which Gulf War? They may have made that offer during the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-1988; but then Kuwait may not have been involved during that time period. If Iraq made that offer in 1991, during Operation Desert Storm...then there would NOT HAVE BEEN A DESERT STORM! The whole purpose of Operation Desert Storm was to eject Iraq from Kuwait. If Iraq offered to leave...then that would negate the military action needed to remove them.

Is it possible that the spleen could be removed by accident during an emergency c-section and how could it happen?

No that is not possible. The surgeon has to know if he did that. It might have gotten injured during the operation but if removed they must've known.

When was the Operation Iraqi Freedom launched?

Operation Iraqi Freedom was launched in 2003 by ex-US President, George W. Bush. Since then, so many Iraqis and American soldiers died during the fights. Many allied soldiers died also due to friendly fires which means American soldiers accidentally shot the allied soldiers by mistake.

Why Several times during the Gulf War the Iraqis offered to withdraw from Kuwait .?

They offered to withdraw from Kuwait in exchange for part of Kuwait.

Several times during the Gulf War the Iraqis offered to withdraw from Kuwait .?

They offered to withdraw from Kuwait in exchange for part of Kuwait.

What battle did Franklin Pierce suffer a leg injury?

It was in the Battle of Contreras that his leg injury caused him to pass out. I think he hurt it the day before the battle. he re-injured the leg at Chorobusco during a pursuit operation

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Five had been injured during the Haiti earthquake.

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Over 12,000 people were injured during the Chile 2010 earthquake.

Did any people get injured or killed during the process of the Chrysler Building?

Seven were killed and many were injured .

How many veterans of the Persian gulf war were fighting?

Over 500,000 Iranians and over 800,000 Iraqis fought during the war (1980-1988).

If you were injured during a hit and run what do you do?

Call 911.