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Some analysts agree the Iraqi death toll was well below initial post-war estimates. In the immediate aftermath of the war, these estimates ranged as high as 100,000 Iraqi troops killed and 300,000 wounded. For example, a report commissioned by the U.S. Air Force; (1993-ISBN 0-16-041950-6), "Gulf War Air Power Survey" by Thomas A. Keaney and Eliot A. Cohen, estimated 10-12,000 Iraqi combat deaths in the air campaign and as many as 10,000 casualties in the ground war. This analysis is based on enemy prisoner of war reports. The Iraqi government claimed that 2,300 civilians died during the air campaign, most of them during an F-117 Stealth Fighter strike on what was believed to be an Iraqi military communications center in Baghdad (it turned out to be an air raid shelter). One infamous incident during the war highlighted the question of large-scale Iraqi combat deaths. This was the

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the number of deaths suffered by British troops in the 1st Gulf war is 47.

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Iraq fought in 3 Gulf Wars. Which one concerns your question?

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Q: How many Iraqi people died during the Iraq war?
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Who are the people who have died in Iraq?

Babies, children, adults, wives, mothers, sisters, brothers, fathers. Occupying armies soldiers. Iraqi's fighting to get rid of invading and occupying forces.

How many Mormons have died in Iraqi war?

No official count is available to the public, but there have been many Mormons who have died in the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Who is Iraq's dictator?

Sadaam Hussein, until he died in 2003 for hanging.

How has Iraq fared since the war?

Iraq is currently dealing with an insurgency. Contrary to what the Iraqi paramilitary and terrorist groups said while the US Armed Forces were in Iraq, they did not lay down arms when the Americans withdrew. The insurgency is just as bad as it was while Americans were there and so far, nearly 9,500 Iraqis have died since the American withdrawal according to IBC.However, the Iraqi Government that was installed during the American Occupation remains in power and is relatively stable. Time will tell if Iraq will remain democratic according to the letter of its Constitution.

How many American's have died so far in the Persian Gulf war?

Only the nearly 30 US Sailors aboard the USS Stark when it was hit by an Iraqi missile during the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-1988.

How many men died in the second Iraq war?

See websites: Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988); Operation Desert Storm (January to February 1991); Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003 to present).

How many peolle died US solders in the gulf war?

During the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988), an Iraqi aircraft launched a missile at the US Navy frigate USS Stark, killing close to 30 US Sailors, while it was patrolling in the Persian Gulf.

How many US soldiers died in the 1st Gulf War?

24 United Kingdom personnel died during Operation Desert Storm (Janurary to Febuary 1991).

How may people have died in Iraq?

To many

How many un troops died in first gulf war?

Approximately 30 US Sailors aboard the USS Stark were killed when an Iraqi jet fired a missile at the warship during the 1st Gulf War in 1980-1988 (Iran-Iraq War).

How many people died in Iraq?

1 million

How many british people have died in Iraq?
