their are 45 in the state of North carolina today
6 major tribes
562 Reconized tribes 245 Unreconized tribes
There are many Indian tribes alive today
There were many Native American Tribes in the land that became Massachusetts. They included:AgawamNipmuckWampanoagMassachusettNarragansettNashawayNaumkeagNausetPaometPatuxetPennacookPocomtucPomkapoagSucconet
diseases and genocide
yes, many Indian tribes along with everyday people live in the savanna!
mostly mian of the native americans live in North America.
their are 45 in the state of North carolina today
6 major tribes
France and Britain. Also America and many different Native American tribes.
562 Reconized tribes 245 Unreconized tribes
There are many Indian tribes alive today
The term "Sioux Nation" refers to one of many native American Indian tribes indigenous to North America and the United States in general.