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38,493 Frenchmen were sent to Mexico during the Second Franco-Mexican War (1861-1867). However, troops from other French allies also were involved, such as 7,859 Austrians, 1,462 Belgians and 900 fighters of different nationalities (mostly from French colonies in Africa) who were part of the French Foreign Legion.

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During the US Civil War, Louis Napoleon had installed Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian of Austria as the emperor of Mexico. The French leader backed his new colony with 35,000 French troops.

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Q: How many French troops were sent to Mexico during the US Civil War?
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Mexico. The French wanted influence in Mexico, but it turned out disastrous. Their candidate, the Hasburg Pince Maximilain, was executed.

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Yes but they were halted at Glorietta Pass by Union troops from Colorado.

Why didnt the us send troops to help Mexico fight the french in 1862?

It was already embroiled on its own American Civil War (1861-1865)

Who occupied Mexico during the US Civil War?

While the US was heavily distracted from events south of the border, Mexico was planned by French leaders to become a puppet state of France. French soldiers and a puppet leader, tried to establish a "colony" of sorts in Mexico. When the US Civil War ended, troops were sent to the Mexican border and the US threatened military action unless France withdrew itself from Mexico. The puppet leader of Mexico was hung by the Mexican people.

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Approximately 15,725 troops from California joined the Union Army during the Civil War. They formed several regiments and served in various campaigns, including the battles in the western theater and the New Mexico Campaign.

What country occupied Mexico during th American Civil War?

Mexico was occupied by France during the American Civil war.

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The North responded to the growing demand for fresh troops during the civil war by creatinng conscription laws in 1863.

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Spanish rebel troops.

How many troops did the Union have during the Civil War?

The union had many troops no one knows the exact amount!