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Q: How many European nations claimed parts of the ottoman empire?
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What nations claimed to protect Christian interests in the Ottoman Empire.?

France and Russia

What impact world war 1 have on the Ottoman Empire?

The Ottoman Empire ceded much of its territory, and European nations took control. Additionally, there was a coup d'etat by senior Military Officers called the Young Turks (Jön Türkler) who proclaimed the Government of the Republic of Turkey, ending the Ottoman Empire in 1923.

North America was mainly controlled by which European Empire?

The ottoman empire

Did the Ottoman Empire resist the European trade and culture?

The Ottoman Empire tried to resist European Trade and Culture but were not terribly effective in doing either, especially at resisting European Culture.

How did the decline of the ottoman empire contribute in world war 1?

The decline of the Ottoman Empire in the decades before World War I left a power vacuum. The European countries made secret alliances about how to take control of the former Ottoman lands, eventually leading to the war.

When did the Ottoman Empire take control of Israel?

The Ottoman Empire conquered the territory that currently composes Israel from the Mamluks in 1517 and lost it 1919.

What was the European Country that established independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1829?


What is an accurate description of relations between European states and the ottoman empire in the period 1815 and 1914?

Most European countries thought that the Ottoman Empire was in its death throes. As Russian, English, and French empires expanded in the 19th century, that expansion came at the expense of the Ottoman Empire which continued to contract.

What is the best category for the above european nations?

ok i think its European empire buildres nations

During World War 1 the Arabs who were living in the Ottoman Empire supported the Allied forces who were fighting against the Ottoman Turks. What was the outcome for the Arabs after World War 1?

The Arabs were ruled by European nations instead of gaining independane

Nationalism in the Balkans in the late 19th century led to a number of nations gaining their independence from what empire?

It led to nations gaining their independence from the Ottoman Empire.

Which European country began its friendship with Turkey during the Ottoman Empire?

France :)