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Approximately 30,000

383,667 total Commonwealth dead and wounded with a further 180,488 made prisoner of war

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Q: How many Britain soldiers were killed during the World War 2 hostilities?
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How many people died in great Britain during World War I?

The number of British soldiers killed in World War 1 was about 880,000.

How many new zealand soldiers killed during World War 2?

11,900 New Zeland Soldiers were killed during World War 2.

How many German soldiers were killed during World War 2?

5.53 Million German Soldiers were reportedly to be killed during World War 2.

How many soldiers were killed during Vietnam war?

A total of 935,136 - 1,977, 779 soldiers were killed, and about 2,098,200 were wounded.

Why did Britain stop accepting boy soldiers?

They believe 16 and 17 year old soldiers are more likely to be killed or injured.

How many deaths happened at d-day?

Around 12,500 Soldiers were killed during D-Day. 7,500 were the number of Germans killed whilst around 5,000 Allied soldiers were killed during D-Day.

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What was added to the Tomb of the Unknowns in 1958?

Six bodies of unknown soldiers were added to the Tomb of the Unknown in 1958. Two were soldiers killed during World War II and the other four were soldiers killed during the Korean War.

How many Union soldiers died during the battle of Chattanooga?

There were 753 reported Union soldiers killed during the Battle of Chattanooga.

How many Finnish soldiers were killed by Russian soldiers during World War 2?

Approximately 85,000.

How soldiers died in World War 2?

Around 25 million Soldiers were killed during WW2.