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Q: How many Black People are in America today?
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About 7% of all black people are gay. That means 7 out of every hundred.

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In America today, the number of homeless people is between 200,000 and 500,000.

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Basically, Argentines are mix of people--keep in mind that it is in South America. Some discriminate black people, but not many.

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4 people- Fergie,, Ap.le.dap, and Taboo

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Does that matter? We're going extinct for Christ's sake...

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because many people black want to be equal but not separated with the white people.

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Although many people are fighting toward to make it legat, poligamy is not yet legal in the North America.

How many black are there in America?

These numbers are not released

How many Black people in the US?

how many black people live in the usa