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The Japanese set up prisoner of war camps in the Philippines between 1942 and 1945. It is estimated that as many as 20,000 Americans were interred there.

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Q: How many Americans were captured in the Philippines?
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How many years did the Americans stayed in the Philippines?

The Americans colonized the Philippines for about 33-40 years.

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How many Americans were captured at the Battle of Saratoga?

The Americans forced the British to surrender at the end of the battle therefore no Americans were captured. (note this was not the end of the war, it was just one portion of the British army that surrendered at that time)

How many years did the American colonize the Philippines?

The Americans colonized the Philippines for about 33-40 years.

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Sometimes the Spanish made captured native Americans into slaves

Reasons why Americans came to the Philippines?

Why did the Americans take the Philippines in 1899? to mine golds in different locations in the Philippines. Encyclopedia of the Philippines have long records of it.

Which city was captured by Japan in World War 2?

Many. Manila for one, plus the entire island chain of Philippines.

Who captured the Philippines when the war began?

That depends on which war you are interested in.When the Spanish-American War began, the US captured the Philippines from the Spanish.When World War 2 began for the US in 1941 (it had already been going since at least 1939 for other nations), the Japanese Empire captured the Philippines from the US.

Who captured Manila Philippines in 1898?

Commodore George Dewey.

What did the Americans do to win the Philippines war?

they bought the philippines from the spanish.

Has Ottawa been captured and burned by Americans in 1812?

Ottawa was never captured by the armericans although the Americans did burn york and looted it . (york = Toronto)

Who were the Spanish replaced in the Philippines?

Americans/ United States