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There are or should be 170.

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Q: How many 6 penny common bright nails are there in a pound?
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What does slug mean in aviation?

The slug is the unit of mass in the US common system of units, where the pound is the unit of force. The pound is therefore the unit of weight since weight is defined as the force of gravity on an object. While the pound force and pound weight are the widely used units for commerce in the United States, their use is strongly discouraged in scientific work. The standard units for most of scientific work are the SI units.

What does '8d' mean in 'The 8d fine he paid seems to have been worth it'?

The lower case 'd' is the abbreviation for 'Pence' or 'Penny' in the UK. Sounds stupid, but here in the Colonies we use the same abbreviation for nails that are sized by the 'pennyweight' or 1/20 ounce. 8d means eight pennies (after the Roman unit denarius). Up until 1971, Britain used a different monetary system than today. The largest unit was one pound sterling, this was subdivided into 240 pence or pennies. These in turn were subdivided into halfpennies or ha'pennies which themselves were split into farthings. If one looks at the coins (in the 1950s) there was a sixpence (6 pennies) a shilling (12 pennies), a florin (24 pennies) and a crown (30 pennies). A guinea was one pound and one shilling. As a rough guide, a British farm labourer in the late Victorian period would earn about eighteen shillings a week, usually with free accommodation. Before decimalization the currency of Great Britain was as follows: 1 pound = 20 shillings of 12 pence each. In other words, as already said, there were 240 pence to the pound. The abbreviations used were as follows: Pound -

How much was a pound worth in 1773?

a pound was worth 100 dollors

How much was a silver coin in the middle ages?

There were many different types of medieval silver coins. The most widely circulated type of silver coin of the Middle Ages was the one based on the Roman denarius. Such a coin was introduced by Charlemagne as the denier, and was the basis of the English penny, Spanish denero, Italian lira, and others. In most systems, there was also a denomination that was 12 of these, and another that was 240. In England 12 pence made a shilling, and 240 pence made a pound. The penny was roughly equal to the value of a day's work for a common laboring man for much of the Middle Ages. The current price of such a coin to a collector depends entirely on the coin. Please use the links below for more information.

What was the currency in medieval times?

While there wasn't 'a' currency in medieval times, there were many currencies. The right to mint coins was granted to various lords and cities or simply claimed by them. While the Holy Roman Empire had an official currency based on the the Reichsthaler (Thaler eventually becomes 'dollar'), many political entities inside the Empire coined their own money, including Hambur, Bremen, Lübeck, Bavaria, Vienna, Cologne, Schleswig-Holstein, and Strasbourg. (There were more.) From the time of Charlemagne, French currency was based on the 'livre' or pound of silver. That was subdivided into 20 sous. The sou was divided into 12 denier. This did not stop various duchies, which were semi-autonomous for much of the Middle Ages, from minting their own coins. The 'livre tournois' was particularly stable and ultimately adopted by the French king as the basis of French currency. The British pound sterling, like the French 'livre' and currencies in Italy, Spain, and Portugal, was equal to 240 pennies/Pfennige/denier — which just happened to weigh one pound. (Or were decreed to weigh one pound.) In the British system, 20 shillings equaled a pound. Each shilling was worth twelve pennies. A penny could be further divided into a half penny (ha'penny) and a quarter penny (farthing). The modern decimal system is a rather late arrival. Of course, barter and exchange were used as well, but currencies and coinage have been a part of European economics and finances since Roman times.

Related questions

How many nails in a pound?

That would depend on the type (common, roofing, concrete) and their size as measured like a two penny (2d) nail and so on. For example 60d common nails are 10 to the pound and 2d roofing nails are 225 to the pound.

How many 6d finishing nails in a pound?

There would be 170 common nails in a pound and 300 finishing nails.

How many roofing nails are there in a pound?

There are 225 2d roofing nails in a pound. If you need something longer like 1.75 inches that would be a five penny (5d) and there are only 145 in a pound.

How many 2d common nails in a pound?

There are 840 per pound.

How many 4d common nails in a pound?

There are or should be 300.

How much does a 2 penny nail weigh?

At about 762 nails per pound for stainless steel they don't weigh much. Call it 47 ish per once or .021 of a Pound each

Is a pound of nails heavier than a pound of feathers?

No, a pound is a pound regardless of what it is measuring. Both a pound of nails and a pound of feathers weigh the same amount.

Why is it called a sixteen penny nail?

The penny was as old English term used to describe the number of pennies required to purchase 100 nails. Today the term is used only as a measurement of the length of the nail. A common 16 penny nail used in general construction today has a standard length of 3.5 inches, a number 8 gauge diameter shaft (0.162 inches), a head diameter of 11/32nd of an inch and 44 such nails will weigh one pound.

What weighs more a pound of cotton or a pound of nails?

A pound of any substance, material or "stuff" weighs the same as a pound of anything else. A pound is a pound, whether it's cotton or nails.

Is a pence another name for a British pound?

No! A penny is a hundred of a pound. Penny, plural is pennies or penny.

What does lost a pound found a penny mean?

It means you have lost a pound of money and found only a penny.

What is a meaning of penny?

Denoting pound weight for one thousand; -- used in combination, with respect to nails; as, tenpenny nails, nails of which one thousand weight ten pounds., An English coin, formerly of copper, now of bronze, the twelfth part of an English shilling in account value, and equal to four farthings, or about two cents; -- usually indicated by the abbreviation d. (the initial of denarius)., Any small sum or coin; a groat; a stiver., Money, in general; as, to turn an honest penny., See Denarius., Worth or costing one penny.