To answer this question simply... Actually, this is WikiAnswers. Why go for simple when you could go for complicated?
I'm just joking. This is a prime example of a trick question. The closest thing to a man-made is the Klingon "language" of Star Trek. However, that is not a complete language. It is just a group of gibberish phrases with a stylish "alphabet" to go along with it.
At a time, there was one language. Everyone spoke the exact same language, but because they stayed in a single area instead of spreading out, their languages suddenly changed. From one universal language, you now have many diverse languages, most of which are now extinct.
Hope this helped.
science came into existence when man did. this is because the definition of science is the study of all or one part of the universe. essentionally, once man gazed opon the stars or tried to figure out where his food came from, science existed.
Man himself was created. Before there were small bacteria in this world, they became bigger bacteria Then these bacteria became aquatic creatures, then animals came into existence from them, along with the environment, they changed and thus man came into existence.
AnswerAt Punta Catoche, Cortes came across Aguilar, a man who had survived a shipwreck and spent nine years as a slave to a warlord. Cortes enlisted the man; his knowledge of Maya would be invaluable to the explorer.
The theme of "The Worker" is a working man is described not as a man, but as an animal. This beast's whole existence is that of perpetual physical labor, which is unappreciated.
Uncaring describes the reaction of the universe to the man's assertion in A Man Said to the Universe by Stephen Crane.
science came into existence when man did. this is because the definition of science is the study of all or one part of the universe. essentionally, once man gazed opon the stars or tried to figure out where his food came from, science existed.
Language did not create man. God created man, and man came up with language. But God gave man everything he needed to create language. A mind, a way to think, feelings that urge us to communicate with others.
God created man the first couple being Adam and Eve.
It is Galaga it was made in 1979 and Pac-man was made a year after (1980)
It came from the mind of man. Man observing his world around him, noticing cause and effect, then inventing a language (mathematics) for describing these cause and effect relations. Without man, there is no physics in the universe.
a proof of something is a undisputable fact therefore "God" has no proof on existence because no man knows 100% he's there
less central to mans existence
Man himself was created. Before there were small bacteria in this world, they became bigger bacteria Then these bacteria became aquatic creatures, then animals came into existence from them, along with the environment, they changed and thus man came into existence.
The origin of business franchising started with a man named Sir Harold Evans. He started long before McDonalds came into existence. This man had great vision.
Man's philosophy explores topics like existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. God's philosophy typically addresses questions about the nature, characteristics, and existence of a higher being, along with the implications of this entity for human life and society. Both philosophies have a rich history and continue to inspire deep reflection and debate among thinkers.
your understanding about phenomenology about man and death importance existence
the English language as well as the man made structures