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Q: How long would it have taken to end World War 2 if you had invaded Japan?
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What could President Truman could've done instead of the Atomic Bomb?

He could have invaded Japan. But this would have cost more American lives and would have taken a long time.

What if Russia invaded japan?

It would be a sweet battle.

Why did Japan view industrialization as a way to prevent itself itself from being invaded by western powers?

As an idustrialized nation, Japan would be able to assert its infuence over world events.

Japan saw industrialization as a way to prevent itself from being invaded by Western powers . Why?

As a powerful country in its own rights, Japan would be able to assert its influence over world events.

Whend did World War 2 begin?

It depends on which perspective you look at it from. If you are Chinese, you would probably say that it started in 1931 when Japan invaded part of China. If you are from a European country, you would consider it to be September 1st 1939 when Germany invaded Poland and if you are American you would say December 7th 1941 when Japan attacked Pearl Harbour. tomaro

Why did japan see industrialization as a way to prevent itself from being invaded from Western powers?

Japan felt that as a powerful country in its own right, it would then be able to assert its influence over world events.

Why did Japan see industrialization as a way to prevent itself from being invaded by Western powers?

Japan felt that as a powerful country in its own right, it would then be able to assert its influence over world events.

How was the Japanese invasion of manchuria a turning point in the World War 2 for America?

Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931 as a part of a larger strategy of territorial expansion, mostly for its resources. The US and Japan would not be engaged in World War 2 for another 10 years.

What was the estimate of how many Americans would have died if the US had invaded Japan during World War 2?

Between 100,000 and 200,000. Michael Montagne

What would have happened if the atomic bombs didn't convince Japan to surrender?

The U.S. would have invaded Japan, probably costing another hundred thousand U.S. lives.

What would have happened if the U.S. did not drop the atomic bomb?

The US would have invaded Japan on 01 Nov 45 Operation: DOWNFALL.

World war II in China?

Japan actually invaded China during World War II, where they took the captial of China and killed thousands of civilians. If you would like more information, look up the "Rape of Nanking".