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It is still used today. Just because we have faster ways to get around does not mean it is a bad thing to use.

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Q: How long was the steam ship used?
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How much steam is made on a Navy ship?

It depends on the ship in question. Steam is often used for things other than just propulsion. It is sometime used to heat a ship and to heat hot water. Nuclear and steam vessels run their power on steam.

How do you make a steam boat doodle god?

Ship + Steam Engine= Steam Ship

How do you make steam ship in doodle god?

ship+steame ngine=steam ship

How do you make steam ship on doodle god?

ship and steam engine

Does ss stand for steam ship?

it could stand for either steam ship or either sail ship.

What is the name of the first steam ship?

The name of the first steam ship was Clermont

What does s.s. mean before a ships name?

SS means Streamship.It is usually understood to mean "Steam Ship" Some ships used TSS for "Turbine Steam Ship"

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steam locomotive

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How long to cross from Southampton to US by passenger steam ship in 1927?

5 to 6 days.

What was the first form of transportation created with an engine?

Probably a ship. Steam engines were the first to be used for transportation and they were installed in Ships and Trains long before cars were invented.

How long was the USS Merrimack?

The USS Merrimack was 275 feet long. It was a three masted sailing ship that was fitted for steam power.