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The Western Empire lasted until taken over by the Goths in 376 CE. The Eastern Empire lasted until taken over by the Ottoman Turks in 1453 CE.

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Q: How long was the extent of Roman rule after the Punic Wars?
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How long did the punic wars last?

There were three wars, between 264 BCE and 146 BCE.

What long term affects can you see stemming from one side winning the Punic Wars?

Rome became dominant in the Western Mediterranean and, based on the power it had developed in the Punic Wars, developed aspirations for Eastern Europe

How long was the war with Carthage?

The three Punic Wars with Rome occurred over 120 years.

In 264 BC Rome began to fight Carthage which was the beginning of the long struggle know as what?

The Punic Wars.

What were the Punic Wars how long did they last who won them?

Between Rome and Carthage over 120 years, won by Rome.

How long did the Punic War between Rome and Medditeranea last?

There were three wars spaced over 120 years.

Which war started the roman quest for empire?

Rome's quest for empire or expansion goes way, way back before the more famous wars such as the Punic Wars. When Rome was nothing more than a small town, they had a long war with the Etruscans who ruled the city of Veii, which was across the Tiber from Rome. In 396 BC Rome captured Veii which doubled Rome's territory and was a stepping-stone for Rome to conquer the surrounding territory of Latinum.

What was the long term impact of the Punic Wars?

The Long-Term Impact of the Punic War is that they made Rome the dominant power of the Mediterranean. Good-Luck, and I'm 100% sure as I just took the Quiz in Connexus.

What were the effects on Rome of the Punic wars what was the long turm result?

Rome gained dominance in the Western Mediterranian. In punishing Macedonia's for its support of Carthage in the Second Punic War, it became embroiled in the Eastern Mediterranean, leading eventually to its taking over there too.

What wars brought an end to Carthaginian rule in north รfrica against the Roman army?

It was the Third Punic War in which Rome wanted to destroy Carthage. It was taken after a long siege. Its 50,000 surviving inhabitants were sold into slavery. Rome took over Carthage's home territory, Tunisia and western Libya. Rome had taken over Sicily, and Sardinia soon after the First Punic War and southern Spain in the Second war. All of these had been Carthaginian possessions. Punic mean Carthaginian in Latin.

Can you give a conclusion about the Punic wars?

In conclusion, the Punic Wars were a series of conflicts between Rome and Carthage that resulted in the eventual destruction of Carthage and the rise of Rome as the dominant power in the Mediterranean. The wars had a significant impact on the course of history, shaping Rome's expansion and setting the stage for its eventual dominance in the ancient world. Overall, the Punic Wars were a turning point in world history and showcased the military prowess and strategic genius of Rome.

How did the third punic war end?

The Third Punic War ended with the complete destruction of Carthage. The city was destroyed, and the survivors were sold into slavery by the Romans.