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The United States' first Chief Justice, John Jay, presided over the Supreme Court from September 1789 until June 1795, when he became Governor of New York.

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Q: How long was John Jay Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
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How was the US Supreme Court perceived before John Marshall's tenure as Chief Justice?

The Judicial Branch in general, and the US Supreme Court, in particular, were perceived as weak.

How many delegates to the Constitutional Convention later served on the US Supreme Court?

Six, but Oliver Ellsworth left the Convention early.John Jay represented New York, served as first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, from 1789-1795.John Blair represented Virginia, served as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court from 1789-1796.James Wilson represented Pennsylvania, served as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court from 1789-1798.William Paterson represented New Jersey, served as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court from 1793-1806.Oliver Ellsworth represented Connecticut, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1796-1800.John Rutledge represented South Carolina, served on the US Supreme Court twice. He was an Associate Justice from 1790-1791 and briefly served as Chief Justice from July 1795-December 1795.

Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court during the case of Gibbons vs Ogden?

John Marshall was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court during the Gibbons vs Ogden Case. This landmark decision invoked that the power to regulate interstate trade was granted via the constitution.

Who was Chief Justice John Marshall in Gideon v Wainwright case?

John Marshall was the fourth Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (1801-1835); he didn't play a role in Gideon v. Wainwright,(1963), because he had been dead approximately 128 years by the time the case reached the Supreme Court. Chief Justice Earl Warren (1953-1969) presided over Gideon.

What federal government position did John C Marshall hold for 34 years?

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (the title hadn't yet been changed to Chief Justice of the United States).

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John G. Roberts, Jr. is the chief justice of the US supreme court.

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John Jay was the first American Supreme Court Justice.

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The presiding Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court as of 2012 is John G. Roberts, Jr.

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John Jay