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Well I got a letter about a month after the dentist said I needed braces, saying I would be on a 6-9 month waiting list, 11 months later I got a letter saying I was on a shorter waiting list, I am now currently waiting for another letter to tell me when I get them put on :)

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Q: How long is the waiting list for braces on the NHS?
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Can you get breast enlargement on the nhs?

Breast enlargement on NHS is not highly available, however there are long waiting lists and exceptions when NHS pay for BA, before you get on the waiting list they will send you to the psychiatric assessment to see if your problem affects your state of mind and everyday life. They will ask a lot of personal straight forward questions to see your true reasons.

Do you have to pay for braces under the NHS?

No unless you are over 18

Can you get colored braces free on the nhs?

I'm getting braces soon and i was wondering the same thing. I am getting private treatment and think I can get coloured ones because 2 of my friends got them on nhs and didnt get an option to choose coloured ones, hope i helped! Good luck with you braces Hi there If you're on the NHS you can get loads of colours. There are several shades of each colour. Right now I've got baby blue which is really nice and next week I'm getting orange. Dark purple is also cool. Best of luck - buy loads of porridge Enjoy your smile! BrowntheRockCat, age 12 Omg i hope u get to choose your colours i want mine coloured i am still waiting to see the orthanontist i have been on the nhs waiting list for 3 years nowww..... how mych longer?!?!??!?!:D

What color braces can you get on the nhs UK?

You can get almost any colour, right now I have teal. I am on the nhs in Wales so it might be different if you live in Scotland or England. Hope this helped.

How much do braces cost on the NHS if you're over 25?

IF your problem is severe enough to qualify for NHS treatment, it's considered complex dental treatment in the pricing scale. #200 I believe.

What is the reputation of the NHS?

The NHS enjoys a very good reputation. When the Conservative Party was in power, especially under Mrs. Thatcher, the NHS was underfunded and waiting lists were long. Since 1997, it has increasingly been funded properly. Like any organisation of its size (it is one of the largest employers in Europe), there is always scope for improving its efficiency.

Can you have all your teeth removed on the NHS?

All treatment that is clinically necessary is available on NHS. Dental implants and even braces are covered but only if there is a medical need for them. NHS does not include cosmetic treatment so the implant must be essential to preserve good oral health.

What services or products does the NHS provide?

If your teeth are 5 inches too far out then the NHS will provide free braces for you and even retainers. If they are wonky but below 5 inch then you will have to pay around £3.500. (Crikey)

How much does a full set of braces cost?

for bottom and top braces around £2000 but you may want to try getting them on the NHS (uk) like i did then you dont have to pay anything

Does outpatient rehab cost in the UK?

It is possible to get free outpatient rehab through the NHS, although waiting lists can be long. If you are willing to pay, there are various private options available.

How do you get Septoplasty surgery on the NHS in the UK How do I get on the waiting list I am currently 18 years old Do I have to see my GP and tell him about it?

You would need your GP to discuss the problem. She can then refer you to an ENT consultant. If the consultant decides septoplasty is needed the waiting list is usually four to five months, though could be more or less depending on where you are in the country. Hope everything goes well for you.

Can you remove yourself from the NHS organ donor list?

Yes. Why would you want to though?