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Q: How long does it take for an apprentice cabinetmaker to become a master?
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How long does it take to become an apprentice?

6 moons.

How long does it take to become a master mason?

There's no specific time frame. There are three degrees in the Masonic Blue Lodge: Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master. Once you obtain all three you're a Master Mason. In principle, it could be done in a day, but it normally takes several months to a year.

When do you stop being called master?

well, you stop being master when your apprentice, trainee, or whatever, gets to be your rank in whatever you do. but, as long as there are people at a lower rank than you are, you will be called master.

How long does it take to become a master mechanic?

2-3 years

How long does it take to become a master shoemaker?

hi mmy name is carl

How long would it take to become a horse rider?

As long as it takes for you to master the art of riding a horse.

What three steps did a person complete to become a master in a guild?

The steps to becoming a master in a guild started with apprenticeship, working for a guild master for a number of years in exchange for food, a place to sleep, and education. The next step was to be a journeyman, working at the trade for a number of years, usually as a paid employee of a different master. Finally, the journeyman prepared a "masterpiece," which was designed to show off his skill. The masterpiece was judge by a jury of masters of the guild, and if they agreed that it showed mastery, then the journeyman would be a master.

How long was Benjamin Franklin in school?

He was pulled out of school at 7-8 years old to become an apprentice at his brother James' printing shop.

How long do you go to school to become a plumber?

5 years for a normal plumber and 7 years for master plumber and yearly after you get you master plumber certificate

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How long is the sorsers apprentice?

an hour and 51 minutes

How long does an apprentice training take?

a million years :(