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It took 2-3 hours to dump the 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor.

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Q: How long did the colonists take to dump the tea off the Dartmouth the Beaver and the Eleanor?
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In the puritan community all free male colonists signed an agreement called a?


When did the Colonists dump tea in to Boston Harbor?

The day of the Boston Tea Party. Which was December 16, 1773

What are three effects of the colonists protest of British taxes?

the colonists took charge to the british, as they were unhappy with all of the taxes the british were outting on them: they had many actions such as the: boston massacre: colonists protesting to the british soliders. the soldiers responded to this by shooting at the colonists. 5 people were killed. the first to be killed was cripus attucks. samuel adams defended the british sloiders in the court, and won. boston tea party: the colonists disguised themselves as native americans and went down to the boston harbor and dumped 342 boxes of dejing tea into the harbor. the colonists consequence for this was that the british closed the port for the colonists until they paid off he millions of dollars of lost tea. this was a big problem since a lot of colonists worked there. tarring and feathering: when the british tax collectors would come by the colonists houses to collect the taxes, the colonists would dump hot tar onto them and then dump feathers o them. this many times ended in servere burns and or death. the tax collectors were often beaten.

Why did American colonists dump 342 tea chests?

They were upset with the British for taxation without representation in America. The King was in England trying to tell them what to do, and they didn't like that. So as an act of rebellion, they dumped the tea.

Why did several colonist dump tea into boston harbor?

Many colonists protested the Tea Act. On December 16, 1773 a group of colonists in Boston dressed as Native Americans. They boarded three Tea ships. They dumped 342 chests of Tea into the Boston Harbor. Several colonists dumped tea into the Boston Harbor to Boycott or Protest the Tea act.

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Why did the british send troops to Concord?

to keep control of the colonists and to take a dump on them

What did the colonists do to stop the British besides dump the tea?

they ding dong ditched their houses

In the puritan community all free male colonists signed an agreement called a?


Why did the colonists destroy the British tea?

because the british kept taxing the tea! so the colonists decided too protest, and dump the tea into Boston Harbor

When did the Colonists dump tea in to Boston Harbor?

The day of the Boston Tea Party. Which was December 16, 1773

How long after the passage of the stamp act did the colonists dump british tea into Boston harbor?

6 years

Why did colonists dump British tea into Boston harbor?

the sons of liberty

Why did the colonists use the Boston massacre against the British?

Colonists opposed the taxes being given on things such as tea. Decided to dump it all out costing Britain to lose a lot of money.

Where did Paul Revere dump the tea and how much tea did he dump?

Paul Revere did not dump the tea into the Boston Harbor. A group of colonists boarded a ship on the night of December 16, 1773 and working quickly dumped valuable tea into the bay. This is known as the Boston Tea Party.

When do beavers have their young?

the is no time when it happens they are born in eggs and then the mom eats the beaver and takes a dump that why they are brown

What right did the Zenger case help establish?

A right was gained were only male can take a dump any where and to to kill someone that's not dropping a huge dump.

In what city did colonists disguised as Indians dump tea into the harbor?

Boston, Massachucetts. The event is recorded in history as the Boston Tea Party. A link is provided.