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June 1941 to May 1945. However, it began somewhat later and ended somewhat earlier in some places.

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Q: How long did the Jewish genocide last?
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How long do genocides usually last?

Genocides typically last until (1) a foreign army intervenes and shuts down the genocide (such as in the Jewish Holocaust, Rwandan Genocide, or Cambodian Genocide), or (2) the genocide is generally deemed to be complete or successful (such as in the Armenian genocide, genocide against the Wampanoag). There is no set time frame in either case.

Who is the target in genocide?

The Jewish people and Gypsies were the targets of Nazi Germany's genocide.

How long did the Armenian massacre last?

The Armenian Genocide lasted 10 years.

How long did the Armenian genocide last?

The Armenian genocide lasted for 2 years from 1915 to 1917. Of the 2 million Armenians there were in the Ottoman Empire about 1.5 million died during the genocide.

What country did the Jewish genocide begin?


Who was involved in Jewish genocide?

Jewish genocide was attempted by many people, including:The Ancient EgyptiansThe Ancient PersiansThe Catholic ChurchThe KossacksThe Nazis

Did Jewish people face genocide and antisemitism throughout their history?

Yes. Unfortunately, both Anti-Semitism and genocide were quite common in Jewish history.

What was genocide specific intent to destroy?

One race of people. Such as the holocaust was a genocide of Jewish people.

How long did the genocide in Cambodia last?

3 years, 8 months, 20 days.

Was the Rwandan genocide a second Holocaust?

"The Holocaust" was the name given to the Jewish genocide after the fact. The Rwandan genocide does not have a specific name, but they are both genocides.

What phrase summarizes Nazi Germany's transition from Jewish murder to genocide?

I believe the phrase to summarize the program of Nazi genocide against the Jewish people was " the final solution".

What is the best example of genocide?

When Adolph Hitler attempted to kill all the people from the Jewish religion, that is attempted genocide.