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Q: How long did it take the Greeks to take the city of troy?
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Who invented the Trojan horse?

The Greeks built it during the Trojan War. The Trojan war was fought between the Greeks and the Trojans of the city of Troy located in Asia Minor in Today's country of Turkey. the war started when the Troyan army stolen a Greecian maid named Helen. (Helen of Troy) The Greeks declared war and it lasted a long time. Helen's beauty was so great it is said that her face launched a thousand ships. The Greeks surrounded the city and lay siege to it for years. In desparation they built a large wooden horse and rolled it to the city gates as a gift to the people of Troy or so the Trojans believed. Hundreds of Greek soldiers were hidden inside. When the Trojan's rolled it into their city gates they thought they won a great vistory because they could no longer see the Greek army. After they got drunken celebrating they slept during the night. The Greeks came out of the horse and slew the Trojan army, took the city and won the war. The saying "becareful of accepting gifts from Greeks" has its roots in this story. Troy was thought a myth and Greevian author/story teller Homer wrote of the Trojan War and this incident. Through his writings the city of Troy was discovered.

Why did the Greeks travel to Troy?

Greek avarice. The Achaeans (Greeks) went on a ten year looting expedition around the coast of Asia Minor. After an initial failed attempt on the richest city, Troy, they came back in the tenth year of pillaging for another crack at Troy, succeeding this time, stripping and destroying the city and selling its population into slavery.

Who attacked the Greeks after they returned home from Troy?

The Dorian Greeks and the Sea Peoples.

What ancient civilization wen to war with Troy?

Mycenaean Greeks

After the fall of troy what mistakes do the Greeks make?

Removing Priam's daughter, Cassandra, out of Athena's temple. This angered Athena, and made them have a long journey home.

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In The Iliad who invaded Troy?

The ancient Greeks invaded Troy to take back Queen Helen.

Did Troy die?

Troy was a city. According to the Iliad it was defeated by the Greeks. It did not die.

What city is besieged by the Greeks in The Iliad?

The Greeks siege the city of Troy, also called Ilion.

Why did Hera and Athena decide to destroy Troy?

The Greeks actually burned the city of Troy. After sneaking into the city in a large horse, the Greeks opened the gates and Troy was destroyed.

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How long did the Greeks take to sail to Troy?

Time sailing depends due to winds, but it could take up to a week

What famous city was stormed and destroyed by the ancient Greeks?

Troy was.

What prevented the Greeks from taking troy by force?

The walls of the city, which is what they were for.

What was the wooden horse of Troy?

There was a huge battle between the Greeks and Troy over a girl. it lasted about 20 years before they thought of it. the Greeks were laying seige to troy. almost all the Greeks left leaving a huge wooden horse with elite greek soldiers in it. troy thought it was a gift to apologize for the destruction and took it the center of the city to display it. then at night the soldiers came out of it and signaled their ships to and help. the Greeks killed everyone in the city. The wooden horse of Troy is when the Greeks and the city of troy where having a battle, one night a huge hollow wooden horse came into the city of troy the people though it was a gift from the Greeks to say they had won the battle so they partyed and then went to bed drunk .Although they did not relize it but the Greeks were in the hotse and at night they came into the place and killed all the people of troy. t

What happened to the city of troy around 1250 B.C.?

It was destroyed by the Greeks.

Which army left a wooden horse outside of the city of troy?


Which side used a 'trojan horse' to enter the city of Troy?

The Greeks.