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During the Pearl Harbor attack, ground forces and the ships in the harbor under attack, returned fire on the Japanese.

Several Army Air Corps and Naval planes took to the air and intensely, heroically battled the Japanese planes.

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The US fought back immediately, within minutes.

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5 months. The attack on Pearl was in December and Doolittle's Raid took place in April of '42.

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Almost 5 years.

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Q: How long did it take for the United States to fight back when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor?
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Who won the war when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor?

The United States won the war by bombing Japan after Pearl Harbor.

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basicly the united states went into war with Germany when japan bombed pearl harbor =p basicly the united states went into war with Germany when japan bombed pearl harbor =p

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Pearl Harbor is in Hawaii, which is part of the United States. At the time Pearl Harbor was bombed, the United States had not yet decided to join the war. The United States were neutral.Japan was the country that bombed Pearl Harbor. Japan was an Axis Power.Because of the bombing, the United States decided to join the war. The United States became an Allied Power.

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Japan bombed Hawaii. (pearl harbor)

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If you are talking about the United States, then, after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

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They bombed pearl harbor. It was attacked in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 by Japenese bombers and planes.

Who Bombed japan following peal harbor?

Following Pearl Harbor, the United States declared war on Japan, and entered WWII. After Germany was defeated, the United States dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan; one at Hiroshima, one at Nagasaki. Following this, Japan surrendered and WWII ended.

What happened on 1941 in Pearl Harbor?

Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7th in 1941 and World War 2 officially started for the United States.

In World War 2 what happened on December 7 1941?

The bombing of Pearl Harbor happened on this day. Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

What was the attack of Pearl Harbor about?

The American Fleet was anchored in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. It was a surprise attack. The United States declared war on Japan. It caused the United States to enter World War 2.

Who bombed Hiroshima?

America bombed Hiroshima in WWII with the first ever atomic bomb.

Why did United states enter world war 2?

Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. We declared war on Japan and then Germany declared war on USA since Japan was Germany's ally