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Q: How long did it take James Oglethorpe to get to Georgia?
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Why was James oglethorpe important to Georgia?

Well for starters he did help create a colony in Georgia then he planned out the city of Savannah and he was pretty much the leader of the colony he established. He was alomost universally known as governor and he convinced King George the 2nd to appoint him as a colonel in the army and give him a regiment to take back to Georgia.

Who did James Oglethorpe send to settle the Georgia colony?

People that were in debt, and he brought them over in a ship called The Anne.

What state did James Oglethorpe take the first English settlers to in 1733?


Who was the southern colony Georgia founded by?

James Oglethorpe in 1733 sailed to what is near present day Savannah were a series of settlements and forts were constructed that ultimately became the colony of Georgia. It was intended to be a debtor's haven and act as a buffer between Spanish Florida and British North America. Moreover, Oglethorpe actually had slavery outlawed when the colony was first founded, but because of trying economic times and from social pressures, he eventually allowed slavery to take hold of the colony which led to an economic boom in the region.

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Where did the battle of Chickamauga take place?

Just South-East of Chatanooga, TN, across the border into Georgia. The Park and Visitor Center is in the town called Fort Oglethorpe, GA.

How long does it take to get from Georgia to Nova Scotia?

a long time

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7 HR

How long does it take to drive from Savannah GA to Oglethorpe GA?

Google Maps estimes the driving time as 3 hours and 24 minutes,