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As long as it takes... As long as the trial their appointed to goes on, they're required to sit on duty... The OJ Simpson trial went on for months and months, and the jury had to sit their the whole...time...

In some jurisdictions one jury pool may be called several times over a designated time frame, perhaps just as an example, a few months. From that pool of lets say, again just for example, 60 people, a jury will be selected for the first trial within the designated time frame. Once the trial concludes they are sent home, that original jury remains in the pool and will be called again as potential jurors for the next trial within that time frame. They may be excused automatically as a thank you for their prior jury service, or they may be asked to serve again. Individual jurisdictions vary greatly on their jury pool selection methods and how pools are called to service.

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The grand jury does not convict anyone of anything. The grand jury hears the evidence presented by the prosecutor. If the grand jury thinks the prosecutor has adequate evidence, then the grand jury indicts that person. A trial will then be held before a petite jury, or small jury. It is that jury that determines if someone will get the death penalty.

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You can serve on a jury in CA if you are a felon as long as you are not on probation or parole.

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The most common way I've heard it said: (in non-jury trials) "I find you guilty." (in jury trials) "You have been found guilty" or, "The jury finds you guilty."

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