Tohi adedi
The Cherokee word for fire is atsilv
Cherokee Indians fight for their freedom just like us.they also fight for land.
i need to know the word and meaning of white in Cherokee or other tribal answers.
ᏠᎯ ᎠᏕᏗ. This is how you write the word freedom in Cherokee
The Cherokee word for fire is atsilv
That is certainly not a Cherokee word, since Cherokee has no "ch" sound. It would be totally meaningless to a Cherokee.
I don't know the Cherokee word, but the English word is hammer.
Didanawisgi is the Cherokee word for medicine man- and that can be a man or a woman.
The Xhosa word for freedom is "ulwazi."
Cherokee is a language spoken by some of the indigenous people of America. Their word for luck is A da s nv.
The Cherokee word for child is "udi." In the Cherokee language, "udi" specifically refers to a young child or infant. Cherokee is a Native American language spoken by the Cherokee people primarily in the United States.
The Cherokee word for 'beautiful' is: uwoduhi u-wo-du-hi
Cherokee translation of word man
The Aramaic word for freedom is "sh'tuhta."
The Swedish word for 'freedom' is 'frihet'.