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Richard the Lion Hearted took off on the Second Crusade he left his brother Prince John in charge of England and the English possesions in France ect. Richard was a rowdy so-and-so and made himself a good number of enemies. One of these was the King of Austria who imprisoned him. Richard appealed to John to pay his ransom. John taxed the British heavily to gather up Richard's King's Ramson. This caused significant hard-ship and hard feelingings between the English and Prince John. Robin Hood lost his father's possession to taxation so became a bandit.

significant stories and tales later

Richard finally returned to England and forgave Robin all his crimes, laughed and mock at John with him.

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Q: How is the story of Robin Hood related to the life of Richard the Lion Hearted?
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What terms most likely does NOT describe Octavie in the story the locket?

(A+) Light-hearted.

Who did Robin Hood grow up with?

Robin Hood was/is a story that began in1226 as a oral tale. It was a rhyme told in story form, so there is no "family" or boyhood for Robin Hood. Many of the characters we know have been added through the ages as the story changed.

Was Robin Hood in the middle ages?

Robin Hood is regarded as a fictional character who may have been based on a real person. His story is dated to the time when King Richard I was away on crusade and being held hostage in the Holy Roman Empire. This was the period of 1190 to 1194 AD, during what is called the High Middle Ages. The middle ages lasted for another 250 years or so.

Why is Robin Hood called Robin Hood?

Question is not clear. Do you mean "Why was Robin Hood considered an invented story rather than a historical fact?" or "Why did Robin Hood achieve status as a legend rather than other outlaws?" I deal with the latter question both in my Midwest Folklore article "Jesse James as Robin Hood" and the "Afterward" to my novel The Robin Hood Chronicles. The appeal of Robin Hood is that he was a scamp who could make you laugh while he was robbing you.-- Sam Sackett

What were Robin hoods some his accomplishments in his life time?

Robin Hood was a fictional character that began in the 1200's as an oral poem. Through the years the story has changed and characters added to it. In fact, the story is still evolving because of movies and new additions of characters.

Related questions

Who was King Richard from Robin Hood?

Prince John is the primary antagnoist in the Robin Hood stories. He is the youngest brother to King Richard I, the Lion-Hearted and became king in his own right in 1199. The story is that John overthrew Richard's justicar and claimed the throne as his own in 1191, thinking his brother would never return from the Crusades. It was during that time that he began taxing the people and persecuting anyone who was still loyal to Richard. This gave rise to Robin Hood and his band. The real story isn't far off, though John was never actually siuccessful in claiming the thron until Richard died on his own in 1199.

When did the story of Robert Hood start?

The life of Robin Hood is simultaneous with the life of Richard I of England (Richard the lionhearted) 1157 - 1199

Who was the king in Robin Hoods time?

Robin Hood was thought to be a supporter of Richard the Lion Heart, who was driven to be an outlaw by the deeds of Richard's brother John. However, there are no records of this, it's not even certain if such a person as Robin Hood was real. Whether or not, he is a myth or some folklore, it's still a good story.

Who is prince john of England?

Prince John, was King Richard the Lion Hearted's brother. After the crusade, King Richard was captured. So Prince John took the throne. He was cruel. Perhaps the story Robbin hood will help you remember. Prince John along with The Sheriff of Nottingham were the villains in this story.

Did European crusaders come from Britain?

Yes, there were British crusaders. One was Eleanor of Aquitaine. She was one of the few women who went and queens who went. Richard the Lionhearted was on the crusades when he was taken hostage and held for ransom. Part of the Robin Hood story has Richard meeting Robin Hood when he returns to England from the crusades to retake his throne from his brother and Robin robs the rich to give to the poor to support Richard the Lionhearted.

Where and when did the legend of Robin Hood start?

The story of Robin Hood is very old and has nothing to do with men in tights, or Merrie old England. It is part of the ancient myth of the Divine Child - and so is the story of Jesus, of course - which dates it back to the stone age and beyond.

What year was Robin Hood set in?

The story first appears in 1225 as an oral poem told and retold over and over. So, the first setting is the 1200-1300's. The story evolves through time to fit the history and events that it is set in. We find Robin Hood fighting for King Richard and the dates/times change. The modern Robin Hood is usually set in or around 1300. So, the answer to your question it depends on who is telling the tale.

What is Scrooge famous for?

because at the beginning of the story he hated Christmas at the end of the story he was kind hearted, so the moral of the story was be thankful.

Would the story of Robin Hood be considered a short story of fairy tale?

robin hood is actually consider a legend

What is the origin of the story Robin Hood?

The oldest versions of the story of Robin Hood are ballads which existed before 1450. I base my novel The Robin Hood Chronicles on those ballads.

Is the story of Robin Hood true or foles?

It is a fictional story.

Is Robin Hood a myth or legend?

the story of robin hood is a Legend