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The Nubia has tall cliffs of granite and rock, Egypt doesn't have the granite and rock cliffs.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

The Nubian Pyramid is more skinnier and the Egyptian is more wider

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Q: How is the land of Nubia different from the land of Egypt?
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Related questions

Why was nubia's land far less fertile then the land of Egypt?

Because the Nile River did not flood in Nubia as much as it did in Egypt

How is the Nile river in Nubia different from the Nile river in Egypt?

The river in Nubia is different from the one in Egypt because the Nile River in Nubia is not to smooth as the Nile River in Egypt.

What modern country is Nubia today?

Nubia was a land south of Egypt. They provided gold and many other things, even ostrich feathers.

Where is ancient Egypt and Nubia located?

Nubia was the name given to the land to the south of Egypt during Roman times.

Why did the Nubia and Egypt become rivals?

They became rivals because Egypt was benefiting from Nubia and they got better and more goods from lower Nubia. is the other answer which i understand doesent help but the best answer is that nubia and egypt were fighting because nubia wanted land. :)

What did Nubia rivaled Egypt for control over what?


Nubia's geography is different from Egypt's geography?

Nubia has a higher elevation and less desert area than Egypt.

What was the relationship between Egypt and Nubia?

egypt depended on nubia for gold -Apexxx Sierra Pacific ( : 559..Egypt depended on Nubia for gold. Nubia took control of Egypt in 747 BC.Nubia assisted Egypt militarily in 747 BC.Nubia took control of Egypt in 747 BC.

What area lower Egypt ruled?

It ruled the land called Nubia.

How is the Nile in upper Egypt and Nubia different from the nile in lower Egypt?


How are Egypt's landforms different from nubia's landforms?

they have a relationship from different structures

What does a Nubian queen mean?

A Nubia queen refers to a queen of the land of Nubia, which was a country near Egypt in Ancient times