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The Declaration and the Constitution, together, address mankind's most basic political questions. Resting on a firm moral foundation, they articulate the first principles of political organization. Thus, they were meant to serve not merely the 18th century but generations to come, which would face those same basic questions, whatever their particular circumstances, whatever their state of material progress. Because the principles the Founders articulated transcend both time and technology, they will serve us well as we move through the 21st century, if only we understand them correctly and apply them well.

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Q: How is the declaration of independence similar to the united States constitution?
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Does the US Constitution declare the independence of the United States?

The Declaration of Independence states the wish to separate from Britain, the Constitution outlines a framework of government, independence having been acheived.

What two important documents did Benjamin sign?

Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States

What 3 historical American documents were signed at independence hall?

Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States and The Bill of Rights

How was imperialism a violation of the Declaration of Independence?

Yes, the Constitution states the US would follow isolationism, but by colonizing other nations it violated the Constitution.

Was the US Constitution written in 1776?

The United States constitution was not written in 1776. The Constitution was written in 1787 after the declaration of independence was written in 1776.

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What statement accurately describes a difference between the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution?

The US Constitution established rules for the US government, well the Declaration of Independence did not

Does the US Constitution declare the independence of the United States?

The Declaration of Independence states the wish to separate from Britain, the Constitution outlines a framework of government, independence having been acheived.

What was drafted in the 1700s?

The Declaration of Independence (1776). The United States Constitution (1787).

Information about Independence Hall Philadelphia?

both of these. the constitution of the us and the declaration of independence

Who made the term founding fathers?

the Declaration of Independence (who signed the United States Declaration of Independence in 1776) and the Framers of the Constitution (who were delegates to the Constitutional Convention

The document that protects the rights of the people who give the government its power is the?

Declaration of Independence

Where is the constitution declaration of independence and bill of rights?

in the organic laws of The United States Of America

What are the two major documents of our government?

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of The United States of America.

What two important documents did Benjamin sign?

Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States

The signing of the Declaration of Independence marked the beginning of the?

united states of america

What effect did Benjamin rush have on the Declaration of Independence?

Benjamin Rush of Pennsylvania, signed the Declaration of Independence and later pushed for Pennsylvania to ratify the new Constitution of the United States. He had little or no effect on the wording of the Declaration of Independence.

What 3 historical American documents were signed at independence hall?

Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States and The Bill of Rights