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Q: How is power gain in a totalitarian?
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Who is the leader in a totalitarian state and how did they get there power?

who is the leader in a totalitarian state and how did they get thrie power?

How did fascist leaders increase their power?

Fascist totalitarian leaders did not gain power during WWII. They came to power before the war. It was largely their actions once in power that resulted in that war.

How did totalitarian dictators gain power and keep the power?

Dictatorships and totalitarian governments acquire power by making promises they feel the public needs to have. They use propaganda to present themselves as the only solution to a nation's deep seated problems. Once in power, they abolish all other parties and use terror to remain in power. The perfect example of this was the Nazi regime in Germany.

What do totalitarian states gain by restricting civil rights?

The people would gain the idea that the government is the answer to everything, using totalitarian tactics such as censorship, media bans, violence, etc..

Who holds the power in Totalitarian government?

The dictator has all the power.

How are totalitarian leaders put in power?


How Is Power Transferred In Totalitarian?

It isn't transferred. Whoever had enough power took it.

How leaders come to power to totalitarian?

It isn't transferred. Whoever had enough power took it.

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Totalitarian nation that invaded Manchuria?

Japan was the totalitarian nation that invaded Manchuria. This attack occurred in 1931 because Japan was trying to gain control over China for the entire province.

What is the goal of a totalitarian?

to gain total control of the desired contry. This is usually done through propaganda and violence

Why did totalitarian dictators come to power in Europe after ww2?

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