

How is color made?

Updated: 10/19/2022
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12y ago

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Colors arent the 3 primary colors, its the 7 colors of the rainbow ROYGBIV(Red,Orange,Yellow,Green,Blue,Indigo,Violet) What happens is... well the life of all color is light, without light there is no color, cause light has all these colors (ROYGBIV) When something is red, that means that everycolor from light is being absorbed EXCEPT Red, red is being refracted or kicked out, when something is black, non are being absorbed they are all being refracted, when something is white, all the colors are being absorbed. When there is no light, there is no color, and we wont see color cause it would be to dark to see.

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Since red is a primary color, it cannot be made out of any other color. Chemically it is made out of Manganese oxide, as it has a deep, rust color.

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