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A traditional means of selecting a king is by inheritance. When an old king died, the next king was his oldest son. With this system, there was, in theory, no discussion, argument or process of selection. Everyone knew from the child's birth who the next king would be. However, each country was a little different in how it organized royal inheritance. In some cases, if the oldest son was not yet an adult, another person, called a Regent, would rule in the name of the young king until he was old enough to rule on his own. In other cases, the kingdom was simply divided among all the adult sons, producing as many kingdoms, and kings, as there were sons able to enforce their claims. This is what was done when Charlemagne died. There have been times when a king was selected by a legislature. For example, William III of England was invited to move from Holland and be King of England. But even then, he was selected from among agroup of contenders, all of whom claimed some inherited right to the Throne. In a few cases, kings have simply been elected. The kings of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which ceased to exist in 1797, were selected by vote of the nobility of that country. Of course, sometimes a king selected himself by being at the head of a military force that conquered a kingdom. William the Conquerer came to the throne of England that way, as have others at other times and places.

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Egbert of Wessex

Egbert (also spelled Ecgberht) (died 839), King of Wessex from 802 until 839

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