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Momaday feels strongly that the storyteller creates the meaning of his story (apex)

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Q: How is N Scott Momaday's The Way to Rainy Mountain not typical of postmodern literary work?
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In which of the following ways is N Scott Momaday's The Way to Rainy Mountain not typical of postmodern literary works?

N. Scott Momaday's "The Way to Rainy Mountain" is not typical of postmodern literary works because it incorporates elements of oral tradition and Native American culture, rather than solely focusing on fragmentation, metafiction, or deconstruction of traditional narrative structures commonly found in postmodern literature. Momaday's text blends personal storytelling with mythology and history in a way that highlights cultural continuity and connection to ancestral lands, which is distinct from the skepticism and irony often associated with postmodern works.

What does a typical chapter in N Scott momadays the way to rainy mountain includes?

A bit of kiowa oral tradition, a historical commentary, and a personal commentary.

A typical chapter in n Scott momadays the way to rainy mountain includes?

a section of personal commentary Kiowa oral tradition and historical commentary

What not typical of postmodern art?

It focused exclusively on "high art"

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