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Q: How is Boudicca still viewed by the British?
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What was boudicca job?

ancient British queen

What was Boudicca's job description?

Was a British Celtic warrior queen

When did Boudicca live?

Boudicca was the queen of the British Iceni tribe around the year 60 AD. This tribe lived in the area that is now Norfolk.

What job did boudicca have?

Boudicca was queen of the tribe known as the British Iceni. This was a Celtic tribe. They led the uprising against forces who occupied the Roman Empire.

Why was boudicca so important?

beacause she was queen of rome >>>> Ancient British Queen

Who found Boudicca?

she was not "found" she was a queen Boudica's remains have still not been discovered.

Was Boudicca a Celt or a Roman?

Boudicca was a Celt.

Is Boudicca Scottish?

Boudicca was not Scottish. She was English.

Where did boudicca get poison from?

Boudicca got the poison from a friend

Who did Boudicca Mary?

Boudicca was married to the Iceni king, Pratsutagus.

Who was boudicca marrid to?

boudicca was married to Prasutagus, and Icenian king

Where did boudicca grow up?

Boudicca was born in Comulodunum (Colchester)