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Very important. The British were ahead of the Germans in one area that was crucial--radar. This allowed them to know when the German planes were coming and where they were headed. Then the small RAF fighter force could be launched to have the most effect.

The RAF wasn't really that small, If the RAF moved more planes into the Southern sector of England they would have been in daner of crashing into each other.

The RAF had two other sectors with many aircraft in reserve, that were guarding the Midlands and North from Bombing raids from Norway, when Hitler ordered the bombing of London the fighters based in the Midlands were able to to join the battle without moving from their bases, which were out of range of the German fighters.

Back to technology.

Britain's air defenses were very organised by the use of RADAR, this meant that the British fighter pilots didn't have to fly patrols searching for the enemy, tiring themselves out and wasting fuel. They could intercept the Luftwaffe directly with ore fuel than the German fighters.

The British fighters had been designed after the Germans built their main fighter the ME109 so they were more advanced and the Spitfire had been built with the knowledge that it had to be able to outfly the ME109.

One of the major reasons for Britain delaying the fight against Germany not only before the war broke out but during the period of "the phoney war" was that they were building as many modern aircraft as they could because before the Hurricane and Spitfire they were still using out of date biplanes like the Hawker Hunter and Gloster Gladiator.

Aircraft technology was crutial to the fight, the infamous Stuka dive bombers were found to be vunerable to attack from modern aircraft and only really suitable for their ground attack role. On the british side the Defiant was proved to be useless as a heavy fighter because its most vunerable point was in a head on attack. The Luftwaffe quickly withdrew the Stuka from cross channel attacks and the British used the Defiant as a night fighter against the German bombing forces.

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Freeda Kris

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