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How important are the ideals of the declartion of independence to you today?why

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Q: How important are the ideals of the declaration of independence to you today?
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Why was the sign of the Declaration of Independence so important?

It is simply important because without it we would not have the freedoms we would have today.

Why is the Declaration of Independence an important state for your country?

Without it, many laws that we have today would not be in effect and there would be many people disobeying the rules. I think The Declaration of Independence is very important to the USA.

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He signed the declaration of Independence and was the sixth president for Princeton University.

Why is the declaration of independence so important to Americans today?

its important today, because it helps people remember what jerfferson said about the whites using black as slaves and not as helpers

What is the Declaration in Independence?

The declaration of independance is declaring our freedom. That is why we are free today.

Why is independence hall so important?

Independence Hall is important because it is the birthplace of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. It is where the Founding Fathers debated and adopted these crucial documents that shaped the foundation of the United States and its government. Today, Independence Hall is a symbol of American freedom and democracy.

Why do you think the declaration is still important today?

The Declaration of Independence gives a view of history and as a historical document it is good to know, but as far as practical purposes it doesn't have one.

How is the Gettysburg Address similar to the Declaration of Independence?

Lincoln refers to the Declaration and quotes from it in the first line of his address.

Are the promises of the declaration of independence still alive today?

no, dumby

How is the American flag used today?

to show the declaration of independence

How does the declaration of independence continue to shape America today?

The Declaration of Independence shows what the USA will not put up with then and now. The Colonies were tired of GB telling them what to do. Without the Declaration we would not be free today. The Declaration pretty much told GB that they were willing to wadge war against them and the Colonies won,which is why we are free today. The Declaration of Independence is the reason for the Constitution.

Where is the actual copy of the declaration today?

The Declaration of Independence is in the Smithsonian Museum of American History in Washington, DC.