Of the estimated 2,300,000 blocks that were used to build Khufu's Great Pyramid, each one weight approximately 2 1/2 tons.
Most were made out of Stone, though some were made out of mud bricks or mud bricks and stone.
King zoser of the third dynasty thought of the pyramids!! :) ^ LIAR
The early Egyptians used inclined planes to move heavy stones for the pyramids.
The pyramids are made of blocks of sandstone. This was ofcourse extremely heavy...
I only know that pyramid were made using stones.
usually the pyramids were made of large stones of granit and/or limestone
by sledges up ramps hauled by gangs of slaves.
Slaves used ropes used ropes and ramps to build the PYRAMIDS , as the stones [building blocks of pyramids] were too heavy to carry with hands or on their backs.
The Egyptian pyramids are made of stones filled with circle like foram tests. They are easy to spot since they are big as a dime.
Lot of matierals were used to build pyramids such a rocks and stones, water and sand. There were also: 1. White Limestone 2. Mud Bricks 3. Pink Granite 4. Basalt 5. Alabaster 6. Sand
Pyramids are made of stones and rocks which are a kind of strong material. Pyramids are also made of triangular shapes and triangles provide strong resistance towards external forces. CD
limestone and granite were the main materials used to build pyramids. Some of the later pyramids were made from mud brick with a casing of limestone.
The large stones used to build the pyramids were quarried from nearby sites around Egypt. The workers would use simple tools to cut and shape the stones before transporting them to the construction site using sledges and ropes. The massive workforce and advanced engineering techniques of the ancient Egyptians made it possible to move these heavy stones long distances.