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Q: How have you contributed to a team?
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What is a MVP used for?

MVP stands for "Most Valuable Player." It is given to the teammate that contributed the most to the team.

What experience you have faced with teamwork?

If an interviewer asks you this question you must highlight successful team projects. You want to make sure you share how you contributed to the success of the team.

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has contributed significantly

Has the marine corps ever had a football team?

No, however, all branches of the USAF that have college football teams have contributed to the Marine Corps. service personnel.

How did Jackie Robinson contribute to the Civil Rights Movement?

Jackie Robinson contributed to the Civil Rights Movement. He was the first black player on a professional team. He had to endure name calling, and people trying to prevent him from playing or traveling with the team. He did it with dignity and grace.

What is the 'Question history' on WikiAnswers?

It shows you what was contributed to the question, and who contributed.

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How one culture contributed to modern science

What are synonyms of contributed?

Contributed means 'helped' - 'made some contribution to'.

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Your Mother contributed to my geometry :D

How have Cubans contributed to American society?

they have contributed by helping the US grow

Who contributed to the telephone?

Mr. Bell invented and contributed the telephone. Thanks for looking at my answer!!

Which cultures have contributed to samba?

Americans and africans have contributed a big society.