Whatever the current decade is.
Technological advances in the textile industry contributed to industrial revolution in that flying shuttle,spinning Jenny, Water frame, spinning mule were able to make textiles quickly.
Every day has been greatly affect by changes in the industries. People drive cars for example because of advancements in the auto industry.
Computer controlled operations within the steel processing industry have improved thickness tolerances, resulting in stronger, yet thinner steel.
Factory work for women was often times restricted to industries that (at the time) were seen as an extension of house work: textile industry, garment and the food-processing industry.As demand increased women moved into formerly male occupations such as secretaries, typists and telephoneoperators.
Whatever the current decade is.
Technological advancements have made it possible for people to communicate much faster and effectively. They have also made it possible for those in the hospitality industry to provide high levels of comfort and safety for their clients.
This industry includes establishments primarily engaged in slaughtering, dressing, packing, freezing, and canning poultry, rabbits, and other small game, or in manufacturing products from such meats, for their own account or on a contract basis for the tr
The magnetic and optical recording media industry is a modern phenomenon, its emergence stemming from technological advancements that began following World War II
These would include a small job market, an international recession, or technological advancements that affect an industry.
The industry also includes establishments primarily engaged in slaughtering horses for human consumption
The U.S. poultry business evolved into a vertically integrated industry in the mid-1930s, in which a few top companies accounted for most of the country's broiler chicken) and turkey production. Vertical integration combined the previously independent and
Shoprite's external macro environment includes factors such as economic conditions, industry regulations, technological advancements, socio-cultural trends, and environmental concerns. These external factors can significantly impact Shoprite's operations, strategy, and overall performance in the retail industry.
John R. Multop has written: 'Relationship between structure and performance in the steer and heifer slaughtering industry' -- subject(s): Beef industry, Slaughtering and slaughter-houses, Statistics
a technological change affects only the pumpkin industry?
Some technological advancements in 1900-1912 included the development of the radio by Guglielmo Marconi, the introduction of the first commercial electric washing machine by Alva Fisher, and the invention of stainless steel by Harry Brearley. Additionally, advancements were made in aviation with the Wright brothers' successful powered flight in 1903.
the transformation of economies from agriculture-based to industry-based, urbanization as people moved to cities for factory jobs, and an increase in technological advancements and innovation.