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Q: How have formal organizations changed over the course of the twentieth century?
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Money, power and of course, greed of both.

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Does Uruguay have a written constitution?

Of course. Only one for the whole country. It was first written in July 18th, 1830 and was changed a few times in the last century.

Does Brazil participates in any international organizations?

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What was the most importamt external event which greatly influenced the course of the Indian national movement during the early twentieth century?

1. Russian revolution 1947 2.the russo-japan war 1904-05 3.the first world war 1914

How has acting changed since the 16th century?

I do not know about the first part of the 16th century, but Shakespeare wrote plays at the end of this century and his plays are still performed so the theater has not changed all that much. There were more soliloquys and asides then than there are today. Lighting is better and women appear on the stage nowadays. Of course, there was no TV and no movies and acting in movies or TV is quite different that the stage, but that is not what you asked about.

How have movies changed from the 19th century to the 20th century?

I don't think there were any movies in the 19th century or the 1800's

What has happened to the global sea level over the past century?

Sea levels rose 20 centimetres over the course of the twentieth century, an average of only 2 millimetres per year. During the last decade, however, mean global sea levels have been rising at approximately 2.9 to 3.4 millimetres per year.

When will Karl Marx's ideas become popular?

Karl Marx and his ally, Frederick Engels did produce ideas in the middle to the end of the nineteenth century that had a good deal of popularity among members of the socialist movement. This of course carried on into the twentieth century. The fall of the Soviet Union, however, has basically placed aside Marx's ideas on politics, economics and philosophy.

What was one of the biggest events in world history that made the world what it is today?

World War I and II, and the atomic bomb were the big events of the twentieth century. The two events that may have affected the course of the history of the world were the bubonic plague and European colonization of everywhere outside of Europe.

When will the sea level be expected to rise?

Sea levels are already rising. They rose 20 centimetres over the course of the twentieth century. During the last decade, however, mean global sea levels have been rising at approximately 2.9 to 3.4 millimetres per year. And they are now predicted to rise a further 90 to 150 centimetres over the course of the twenty-first century, depending in part on what efforts we make to reduce our greenhouse emissions.