native americans have changed a lot over time. there arent any of them left. technology took over.
Before 1800,the US government had no permanent capital.In 1791,congress voted to build a new capital-Washington,D.C.
The Federalists Papers tried to reassure Americans that the new federal government would not over power the states.
The fear of a central government was based on the previous government of America, which was an oppressive monarchy. Americans were afraid that a strong central government would be just like being ruled by a king all over again.
over 60,000 Americans from brady Paris
native americans have changed a lot over time. there arent any of them left. technology took over.
Islam did not really change, the only way or reason it changed was the way the government changed it.
they are free from the slavery the goverment hold over us
Communists took over the government.
Because the Americans changed the titles when they got released over there
it has changed because at first hitler used to rule but now germany is a federal rebulic.
Native Americans
Americans didn't, the American government does because they want to control everything.
native Americans
The Libertarian Party hasn't had much of an impact on our national government, but they have representatives all over the country in local governments, especially Alaska and Nebraska. In 1980, one representative ran for President and got over a million votes, but other than that, they haven't changed government much.
The views of Americans about National Prohibition changed over time from generally favorable to generally negative. By the time of repeal, about 75% of voters opposed Prohibition.