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By deploying military forces to break up the protests

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By using military force to drive off the protesters from the square

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Q: How has the Chinese government responded to calls for freedom since the demonstration in tiananmen square?
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What effect did Tiananmen Square Massacre have on China and the world?

Tiananmen Square is a symbol of Chinese government oppression.

Who was involved in the tiananmen square massacre?

Chinese citizen's and Chinese government

Chinese students working for democracy were killed by their government at?

Tiananmen SquareTiananmen Square

Where were many peaceful protesters killed by the Chinese government in 1989?

Tiananmen square

Describe what took place at Tiananmen Square in 1989?

In 1989 in Tiananmen Square, hundreds of students were massacred by the Chinese government while they were protesting in the Tiananmen Square. This incident is also know as the June Fourth Incident.

What happened in 1989 at Tiananmen Square?

In 1989 in Tiananmen Square, hundreds of students were massacred by the Chinese government while they were protesting in the Tiananmen Square. This incident is also know as the June Fourth Incident.

Where did tens of thousands of Chinese began a protest in 1989?

Tens of thousands of Chinese began a protest in Beijing's Tiananmen Square in 1989. The demonstration was predominantly led by university students and initially started as a call for political reform and freedom of speech. However, it ultimately escalated into a pro-democracy movement and was subsequently brutally suppressed by the Chinese government.

Who was involved in the massacre at the Tiananmen Square?

The massacre at Tiananmen Square in 1989 involved the Chinese government and its military forces, specifically the People's Liberation Army (PLA). Students and pro-democracy protesters were the main participants in the peaceful demonstrations that took place in the square, but the government crackdown led to a violent confrontation resulting in casualties.

The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 were led by Chinese students who?

Answer this question… demanded that the government institute democratic reforms.

Where a move for freedom was brutally crushed in 1989?

Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China. Student-led pro-democracy protests were violently suppressed by the Chinese government, resulting in numerous casualties and arrests.

The 'Tiananmen Square' protests took place in the year?

Tiananmen Square incident was happened June 4, 1989 in Tiananmen Square in Beijing China. The Chinese government condemned the protests as a counterrevolutionary riot, and has prohibited all forms of discussion or remembrance of the event in China.

How did the Chinese government respond to political criticism?

The Chinese government responded to political criticism with silence. They rarely made a statement regarding political ideals or themes within the society.