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I hope that studying the Holocaust is not making people anti-German. The majority of Germans were not alive at the time, or were too young to play any part in the Holocaust. Moreover, anyone who knows modern Germany will be aware that it is a thorougly democratic country, where human rights are respected.

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Q: How has studying the Holocaust changed your opinion of Germans?
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its a question people are thinking about there are a lot of anti semites out there my opinion no there will not be anothere holocaust

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Then 6 million Jews would have had more children and much better lives, but we should not desecrate their deaths and posthumous mutilation, regardless of how long ago it was and who it affected, and our present day opinion of the Germans and Jews.

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My opinion-the holocaust. but whatever you think is right then alrightty.

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That is a matter of personal opinion. The Nazis perpetrated the Holocaust, but most see the responsibility as a much more far-reaching issue.

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Because Hitler did not like the Jews, so he wanted them extinct.

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You do not know that. Its their opinion. You jerk.

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German U-boat activity had forced the United States into the war Apex - The Germans violated the U.S. ultimatum against submarine attacks.

What percent of Germans support same-sex marriage?

According to a September 2006 TNS Opinion & Social / Eurobarometer poll, 52% of Germans support same-sex marriage.

What is worse than the Holocaust?

In my opinion, the holocaust was the worst ever, but if u want me to go worse, how about the black plague? It killed about 1/3 of Europe's population! Search it on google for more info.